Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Digital Marketing Landscape

Digital Marketing has been around for about a decade now, and recently i got an opportunity to do back to back two research projects on it. In fact, I even wrote an article on it, the abstract of which i would like to share.

Digital Marketing (DM) represents an enormous opportunity for marketers to complement (and, in many cases move beyond) traditional ‘offline’ marketing tools to redefine how they interact with their customers. While still a new practice in absolute terms, the DM landscape has already evolved to offer focused, cost-effective channels that can be successfully leveraged to quickly engage with consumers across geographies and in a very targeted and customized fashion. Further, DM channels are constantly changing and we are already seeing relatively ‘mature’ channels (that are already being re-assessed and revamped) as well as ‘new’ and more innovative channels that are coming to the fore.

I wanted to share the whole piece however, this has not been made public yet by my company. Once it goes online, I would have a link to share it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blogging Bug Bitten Me

Well finally writing my first blog, and what i want to write about will be interesting for some, boring for none (kidding.. it rhymed) ;); but will surely be beneficial to me as i will get to write my mind out.

Blogging is part of my FY 2011 plan to create an online presence for myself. What i will be talking about on this blog would be purely business. I always wanted to write about businesses, industries, sectors, and the usual related brouhaha we come across. So to start with i will be sharing some of my findings as a researcher, my insights, my analysis and experience.